Art by kr00bs on Twitter/X


Coffeehouse Canine Fursuits

My pride and joy is my work with foam and fur! I began making fursuits in 2019 and had the opportunity to make suits for friends to gain experience before 'going public'.
I value making a unique, comfortable, personal costume to fit your needs at an attainable cost.

Digital Art and Illustration

Currently the best place to view and inquire about my work is through Twitter or Instagram- both of which are connected to my LinkTree!
An official gallery is in the works, but is low priority.

Other Inquiries? Ask!

At the root of it all, I am a creative spirit! I want to try something new all the time. You want a figurine? A personalized plush? A short story/novella? A fully illustrated biological breakdown of your original species? I can do it.
My background is in microbiology and english literature, with some odd hobbies I picked up through time!